Our Double Glazing Provides Superb Energy Efficiency
It’s important to choose double glazing that will add visual value to your home. Equally, your newly-fitted conservatory, doors or windows need to come armed with a range of cost-saving features that will reduce your ever-burgeoning heating costs. That’s why energy efficiency is high on the priority list of most homeowners seeking a viable double glazing solution for their property.
Poorly fitted windows, doors or conservatories create problems that will be expensive and time-consuming to fix later. From a purely cosmetic perspective, the ingress of cold drafts will cause unsightly mould-related issues to manifest themselves in your home, orangery or conservatory, which will reduce the market value of your home by making it less appealing to buyers.
It is estimated that approximately 20% of heat escaping from a home is due to badly installed double glazing. Choosing an installer with the requisite experience to complete your home improvement project is essential if you want to benefit from improved energy efficiency. Marathon Windows is registered with FENSA and has a strong local reputation. Contact us for impartial advice.

Energy Efficiency
Our modern high-quality windows are extremely energy efficient and durable. They are design-engineered for superior thermal insulation, making them the perfect replacement windows for any home in Epsom, Coulsdon, Surrey and surrounding areas.
Energy Saving Benefits
- Eliminate Draughts and Cold Spots
- Greater Thermal Insulation
- Long Term Money Saving Benefits
- Environmentally Friendly
- Helps Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
Better Energy Efficiency for Your Home, Orangery or Conservatory
If your doors and windows are performing poorly, they’ll be adversely affecting the internal climate of your home. To compensate for the heat that’s escaping, you’ll be turning up your thermostat, which will exponentially increase your heating costs. Your home will also be a less comfortable place to spend time in, which will make entertaining friends or family difficult. Investigating ways to improve the thermal efficiency of your home is, therefore, high on your list of priorities.
Double glazing that’s old or poorly fitted will return a low Windows Energy Rating (WER). These ratings were defined by the British Fenestration Ratings Council (BFRC) to provide homeowners with a way to determine the energy efficiency of their windows. The scale supplied ranges from A-G, and the highest level attainable is an -A, which indicates superior thermal performance.
Regarding attaining a minimal level of energy efficiency, windows need to achieve a ‘C’ WER rating as a minimum. By using this scale as a metric, homeowners have access to a viable benchmark to identify whether any further steps are needed to make their home more thermally efficient. Our range of high-performing window profiles will meet your requirements in full.
Energy Efficient, Sustainable and Eco-Friendly
The technology incorporated into the frames of all modern windows, doors and conservatories is designed to conform to the minimum standards laid down by the BFRC. Thermally broken profiles, which trap convection currents and create a thermal barrier designed to lock in heat and block out cold air, work to create interior environments that provide superior energy efficiency – regardless of the weather.
A range of glazing options is available to homeowners. Low emissivity glass is invisibly coated in a metal oxide that adheres to one of the internal planes. It permits the entry of light and heat but prevents the warm air from escaping. This dramatically improves the energy efficiency of the designated space.
The gap between the panes of glass in a window is sometimes filled with gas – ordinarily Argon or Xenon – which improves the energy efficiency of the profile in question. Gas-filled windows like these will supply superior U-values, which could be 30% higher than that of a standard double glazed window.
How Can We Help You?
At Marathon Windows, we understand how important energy efficiency is to our customers. Our doors, windows and conservatories have been sourced from the UK’s best manufacturers and suppliers and comply with all industry regulations – while also exceeding by far the minimum energy efficiency ratings defined by the BFRC. Our in-depth expertise and knowledge of double glazing means we’ll complete your project to specification every time.
If you are concerned about the energy efficiency of your home, call a member of our team on 01372 740 706 for some free and impartial advice. They will be able to provide guidance on our portfolio of products and tell you the energy efficiency rating for each, where required. You can also generate an instant quote by visiting our online design tool. It only takes a couple of minutes to fill out the required fields, and you can revisit the page as often as you like.